Please choose the path that best fits your goals.
Two Year Degree/Certificate or Transfer to Four-Year Institution
If you want to :
Transfer to a four-year university
Complete a two year degree/certificate for career opportunity
Improve basic English, reading, or math skills
This path is for you! Follow the steps down below.
Before you can register for classes, you must go to the website below and fill out the application.
Click here for a helpful video on how to apply
After completing the application, you will receive an email with a LOGIN and PASSWORD for My Solano.
Once you have received your LOGIN and PASSWORD, please go to step #2.
Once you have finished your Orientation, please go to step #3.
After completing the application in CCCApply, students who provided information regarding the highest level English and math completed in high school will receive an email with information about suggested college-level math and English courses to take.
*Please note: AB 705 requires that colleges maximize the probability that students will enter and complete transfer-level coursework in English and quantitative reasoning/mathematics within a one-year timeframe. If you would like to learn more about AB 705 the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office has created a video here.
Math Placement
Students entering Solano Community College are minimally eligible to take the following transfer or one level below transfer math courses, regardless of prior math experience (please see the catalog and/or a counselor for specific guidance based on your career and educational goal):
English Placement
Students entering Solano Community College are minimally eligible to take the following transfer level English course, with or without co-requisite lab based on High School GPA and Jr/Sr English grade:
Once you have reviewed English/Math Placement, please go to step #4.
For information on new student small group Education Planning workshops and Education Planning individual appointments please see the Counseling web page or call, 707.864.7101, or walk in person:
Counseling Office, Building 400, Room 404 (1st Floor, Main Campus)
Please note: During COVID 19 health situation in-person services are not available. Please call for assistance.
Once you have developed your Education Plan, please go to step #5.
After filling out an application (step #1), you should have been sent an email with your My Solano LOGIN and PASSWORD.
If you have filled out an application (step #1) and have not received your LOGIN and PASSWORD, please email or call the Admissions Office: or 707.864.7171
Find your registration date: Log into My Solano, click on the “Student” tab and then select “When do I Register”. Classes fill quickly so it is best to prepare your schedule options ahead of your actual registration date.
Browse the Online Schedule to search for classes offered this semester.
Follow the Registration Process for instructions on how to register. You can also click here for a helpful registration video!
Once you have registered for courses, please go to step #6.
Students should pay all fees at time of registration. We accept Visa, MasterCard and debit cards. Students who do not pay all fees prior to the start of the term MAY be dis-enrolled from courses for that term. Students will not be allowed to register for future terms if any fees are still owed. You may pay fees electronically through your MySolano account or visit the main campus, building 400, Student Services, Office of Admissions & Records Cashier’s window.
Enjoy your courses and we wish you a very successful semester!
Please call or email for assistance:
707-864-7000 Ext 7210;
or visit the Cashier Office page here.
Personal Development
If you want to:
Prepare for a new career
Take courses for personal interest
Upgrade job skills
If you have completed an Associate Degree of higher
This path is for you! Follow the steps down below.
Before you can register for classes, you must go to the website below and fill out the application.
Click here for a helpful video on how to apply
After completing the application, you will receive an email with a LOGIN and PASSWORD for My Solano.
Once you have received your LOGIN and PASSWORD, please go to step #2.
After filling out an application (step #1), you should have been sent an email with your My Solano LOGIN and PASSWORD.
If you have filled out an application (step #1) and have not received your LOGIN and PASSWORD, please email or call the Admissions Office: or 707.864.7171
Find your registration date: Log into My Solano, click on the “Student” tab and then select “When do I Register”. Classes fill quickly so it is best to prepare your schedule options ahead of your actual registration date.
Browse the Online Schedule to search for classes offered this semester.
Follow the Registration Process for instructions on how to register. You can also click here for a helpful registration video!
Once you have registered for courses, please go to step #6.
Students should pay all fees at time of registration. We accept Visa, MasterCard and debit cards. Students who do not pay all fees prior to the start of the term MAY be dis-enrolled from courses for that term. Students will not be allowed to register for future terms if any fees are still owed. You may pay fees electronically through your MySolano account or visit the main campus, building 400, Student Services, Office of Admissions & Records Cashier’s window.
Enjoy your courses and we wish you a very successful semester!
Please call or email for assistance:
707-864-7000 Ext 7210;
or visit the Cashier Office page here.
Are you a High School student wanting to take classes at SCC? Please see our K-12 Special Admissions page!